
Weekly 2 Recap

Pounds Lost This Week: 2.0 lbs (8.6 lbs TOTAL)

Exercise: I exercised every single day this week (AGAIN)! That makes 2 weeks in a row! I haven't added in strength training yet. I'm not really sure when I'll do that! Right now I am focusing on training my body to be a runner. I just started week 3 of the C25K program today. This is the point that I quit last time I tried, so I am determined to make it this time! I love the way that running has transformed my body so far and I hope it continues to do so!

This week I:
Walked - 298 minutes
Ran - 39 minutes

Eating: I stayed between 1100-1500 every day this week (AGAIN)! :)

Weak Moments: I haven't had any week moments this week! I stayed STRONG!

Cravings: NONE! :)

Next Week's Goals: My goal last week was to lose 3 pounds, but I only lost 2 lbs week. I know that I am losing weight the healthy way, so I think my goal this week will be 2 lbs. I also still need to find the time for strength training. Time to cruise Pinterest for some ideas! :)

Start & 2 Weeks Later - Definitely starting to see a difference...especially in my face!
I hope everyone's having a great weekend and I hope you all have a fabulous week!!!



Lilee said...

You're doing so awesome! Keep it up! And I agree, I feel like week 3 is a major hurdle. It's when you start to lose your initial motivation, and sometimes plateau on the weight loss because your starting to build muscle. But keep going! I'm cheering for you!

Amie said...

You are doing an incredible job and you look fantastic!!

Andrea @ With a Side of Magic said...

Great job! I love the chalkboard progress picture idea!

NewMom said...

I stumbled across your blog and just wanted to say you are beautiful! Good luck on your journey. :)